Wednesday, February 23, 2011

pleaSe vOte for AkiRa!!

Akira Luz Romero Magneson 

one of the candidate in

and VOTING starts now!!


1."LIKE" the Innovision Entertainment Production on this link

(and please check on the photos of the 100 candidates ..)

2. Then please go to Akira's picture and click like for her too!

This will "cast" the vote for her and we appreciate any help you can give, sharing this link on your page is highly appreciated!

Please be informed that the 100 CUTEST BABIES ON-LINE VOTATION is until
12 midnight of March 10,2011.

Thank you all!!!!
Rhen and Marshall

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

MoRe! moreeeeee.....

 They are so freaking cute dnt you??
 My world and my inspiration that give me hopes to fight for lives !

Really time flies so fast and look at that I have grown up gorgeous girls so sweet and caring.. :)

No dull moment for them all just freaking cRazy moments hahaha

ohhh wait I hate it when they get sick!! they are super grumpy

they love each other so much but once they are in bad mooodsss geeez

you dnt want to know what girls can do.. :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

AnyThiNg gOes....: Akira's pictorial

AnyThiNg gOes....: Akira's pictorial: "We had fun at SM annex where Akiras and Ashley pictorial's venue.. samething kids play the wholeday and never get tired off it we ..."

AnyThiNg gOes....: Akira's pictorial

AnyThiNg gOes....: Akira's pictorial: "We had fun at SM annex where Akiras and Ashley pictorial's venue.. samething kids play the wholeday and never get tired off it we ..."

Akira's pictorial

We had fun at SM annex where Akiras and Ashley pictorial's venue.. samething kids play the wholeday and never get tired off it we started at 11am and stop almost 8pm geeez check how long was that and all good for me coz soon we get home they freaking deadtired hahaha.. sleep straight to bed .. :P

Monday, February 7, 2011

AnyThiNg gOes....: Updates: 02:08:11

AnyThiNg gOes....: Updates: 02:08:11: "Your Daily Horoscope: Your physical and mental energy are exceptionally strong right now, Sagittarius. If you're creative, you will want to ..."

Updates: 02:08:11

Your Daily Horoscope:
Your physical and mental energy are exceptionally strong right now, Sagittarius. If you're creative, you will want to put that energy into a project that means a lot to you. If you're athletic, you will probably want to get outside and play a game or go for a jog or cardio class. Bear in mind that much of this energy is nervous energy that burns out quickly. Pace yourself.

About my business : Just pretty excited lately lotsa of new opportunities knocks on my door and I guess I'm heading a right path and start a new beginning .. Got new clients and support my arse on my projects :) start to expand my sewing line again and more more works to come in coming days :) woohooooo!Ohh by the way I total incharge of the production now.. :P so busy busy busy always!

About work : I report office everyday now.. :P  although half day only coz I need to take care kids in the morning and my sewing  I need to divide my time wisely..

About my kids :) I'm so very happy for them joining shows, vtr, contest boast their self confidence  now everytime I dressed them up they always asked.. Mommy mag momodel uli kami..:) hahaha before they are very bashful and if they see new faces they hide their face at the back of my anyways.. hope they get some project :P  I'm goin to let them attend acting/singing/dancing workshop this summer ...

About Marshall : I wanna thanks him for always being there for me cnt find such guy who has lotsa patience of my crazeNutsNess! :P  Love you baby! thanks for all the love and support you gave me..

Friends whos there and stand by me during my darkest hour of my life I will never going to forget  what you've done to me .. thank you and it is always be remembered here in my heart.

And those antagonist, back stabbers and gossipers : Thank you ; you guys the reason that I keep goin and keep fighting.. to prove to you your wrong and I can survive....  and now I know who you are and I am very aware of you * wink wink*

To my family: Lets hold hands together and fight ! fight ! fight!

Everything happens for a reason

To God my creator : Thank you for carrying me when I stumble and fall...  for always being there every time I need a helping hand.. for taking care of me .... Amen