I used to sleep each night alone in my bedNever bothered by any foreign thoughts
My oblique dreams remembered no more
‘Cause they never found a such place to store
Void dreams have come to fly each night
As the morning comes each dreams’ out of sight
Reckoning for them would just be as blight
For tomorrow’s new day would be bright
Then I met you on the time unexpected
The twist of my mind was still then unprepared
Memories of the past were easily forgotten
For a new silhouette dream to me has come
Vivid picture of you I wish I was awake
To wrap you in my arms for love’s sake
Just like other dream it didn’t stay
The silhouette dream in the morning is gone away
In my silhouette dream you and I were kissing
As long as it was a dream only shadows will remain
Opaque visions of you in that dream you will soon vanish
Because in reality I didn’t even see your face
Now each night that I have this silhouette dream
You became the star of my memory screen
Almost every night you are always the feature
But when I wake up, seeing your face no more
The grandeur appearance of your majestic beauty
In the silhouette dream it come in blissful array
You have taken my daytime to think of you
At nighttime still awake to write this poem for you
Why in my bed at midnight awaken from my sleep
Just to ponder your face in my mind I keep
Hugging a pillow could not ease my heart’s desire
It is the warmth of your hugs that I have longed for
I wish I were your bed in your rest you lay on me
Carrying me all night till the twilight of the day
Oh, my silhouette dream bring this to reality
That my sweet love all night will cling to me
I wish I were your pillow in your sleep to mellow
You’re dripping saliva at your sleep I will follow
Drying it up when the sun comes up tomorrow
Oh silhouette dream, how I wish it would come true
I wish I were your blanket on the night that is cold
To cover for the warmth of your body the love to unfold
But how long would I wait for this dream to behold
Until it is not realized, a silhouette dream is still in mold
As some other nights are still coming
My silhouette dream won’t be leaving
Every remembrance of you will still linger
Until that day when we’ll together
A re-post from my yahoo 360 blog...