Meet Aliyah the quiet type, smart , and artistic.. most kind and have a big heart.. :) So caring, so sweet but guess what :P So clumsy geeezz.. But she so pretty and so loving :)
She never ge tired writing she prefer coloring or school works rather than playing.. :P
She is 4 years old and start goin school at age of 2..
Love you ALiYah!!!
My beautiful Akira.. The youngest of them all.. so cute and so freaking smart! Love singing and dancing and also doin cat walk hahaha love to be a model someday!
She so hyper super duper energetic! She's so bosy like mommy hahaha the most naugheist of them all but she is so freaking sweet and very caring you gonna love this freaking smart kid!
Shes goin to turn 3 this 7th of November :)
Happy Birthday Akira!!!
The handsome Reggie the eldest.. I got him when he was 1 month old .. A very sickling baby most of the time we are at the hospital.. His biological parent not given him the right vitamins when he still inside the tummy..
His so thin and so picky He ate more than an hour geezzz. . so at 10 his almost same big as Aliyah .. although his taller than Lee hahaha .. .
He take care his 2 sibbling although his very naughty love to booo the younges Akira . He is sweet and caring but very jealous guy.. geezzz also an attention seeker hahaha ..
I just pray Reggie be a good kuya and take care the 2 girls and they love each other and grow close and sweet, loving to each other.. with no jealousy coz We LOVE him for SURE!!