Mostly people get depressed time to time so, theres an eternal question if is a real illness???
So I check and learned some of the articles about depression which conclude:
Depression is a real illness as it involves the mental, emotional and even physical faculties of the person. It is not just a transient sad feeling that will go away when one wills it to. There are symptoms and signs as well as corresponding treatment. If not handled properly and immediately, it may escalate to worse conditions. Like any other illness, depression has also variations.
There are three types of depressive disorders: major depressivedisorder, bipolar disorder and dysthymic disorder.
Major depression is a culmination of all the symptoms and signs that intervene with one's capability to act normally. It can happen once, but recurring episodes are possible.
Its less severe counterpart is dysthymia which is characterized by the same symptoms of major depression, only they do not totally interfere with one's activities. A person who has dysthymic disorder can suffer major depression sometime during his life
Bipolar disorder is also a type of depression that involves drastic mood changes, from being very high one minute to severely depressed the next. The manic cycle can make the person hyper and overenthusiastic but it changes as soon as the depressed cycle hits. The depressed cycle encompasses all the symptoms of depression.
Because depression is an illness, there are symptoms. Again, they are the following:
1. Persistent "empty" feeling
2. Unbelievable hopelessness
3. Feeling guilty and worthless all the time
4. Lack or loss of interests in activities that used to bring joy to the patient and this includes sex.
5. Prominent fatigue
6. Has a difficult time making decisions
7. Development of sleep problems
8. Loss of appetite and drastic weight change or loss
9. Suicidal attempts and thoughts.
10. Pronounced irritability
11. Physical aches and pains that have no physiological basis
The good news is at the end of this dark tunnel called depression, there is hope. Treatment is available in three types: psychotherapy, antidepressant medicine and the combination of the two. There are also times when electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and light therapy are employed.
So I guess, might it helps you what stage of depression are you..
Mine?? I guess I have it all :P
Nah babe, you're just beautiful and crazy ngek :P mwah