Hmmm I was very upset of things goin on right now but come to think of it....We only live once. During the down days, if we choose to keep in our mind that we probably have more chances than others, more things to be thankful for than others, and more time to live on this Earth than others, Will be reminded that our life is indeed very precious.

I'm a special woman and I am here with a path to travel. There's many people still are grateful for me and I might not realize about that. Life needs me and that's because life has given me a path that only me can travel, and no one else will do.
Life is really short and instead of being burdened by the heavy "shoulds" and "could have beens", perhaps it's really time to have the courage to make more mistakes, be sillier, and travel lighter for the rest of your life. I thank people those putting me down it find me courage to fight and be more tougher. and thought me how to wake up in the morning torn between a desire to improve the Life and enjoy Life.. Not a journey to grave...
As what Dr. Seuss said.. "Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened."
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