Friday, September 10, 2010

sTaRting to LeArn cLoThing oNLinE sToRe..

Alright! alright! FASHION is my PASSION!!

I've been 18 years in Apparel fashion industries been working as a fashion designer for the local brands and has my garment sewing line business for more than 10 years..  I love creating stuff  and what I learned in design is I want it to share with you..
So, I decided to learn about online selling stuff on websites :)

I still dunno how to do it.. :P but I know Marshall will help me with this stuff and "some" of my friends.. and If you have any Ideas I am open for some suggestions.. Hopes it all works for me.. wish me Good luck guys...

I'm also goin to expand my clothing business to design accessories and corporate designs and give aways.. so If you are interested you can contact me through here or send me email at

cHeck out for my next post :)


  1. I'm really excited about this! Keep up the great work and let me know if I can help :)

  2. Thanks for sure coz you will do the my web design for my clothing line :)
