Saturday, June 11, 2011

BesT Dad iN the wHoLe wiDe wOLrd!!

Happy Father's Day " Daddy Marshall 

                                     "Happy Father's Day" means more than have a happy day.

 Within those words lie lots of things we never get to say. 

It means we love you first of all, Then thanks for all you do.

 It means you mean a lot to us, And that we honor you. 

But most of all, I guess it means that we are thinking of... 

Your happiness on this, your day, 

with pleasure and with love. 

We  Love you Dad!!!

Best Dad ever!!

We LOVE you so Much!!


  1. Wow, thank you so very much! It really touches me to my core ... and nope I'm not teary eyed, it's just a sneeze ... Sniff* sniff* hehehe ... I LOVE MY KIDOS

  2. Yeah kewl Daddy your the Man! mwuah we freaking love you!!
